Friday 6th September
September is here, as the start of the academic year, it always feels like a new beginning, and in the jewellery world, September means Sapphires. Sapphire is the birthstone for September, and September or not, Sapphires are perennially popular, over the course of the year, we probably sell more Sapphires than any other colourful gemstones, they do fly out especially fast in September, and there are some absolute winners on the website this week, here’s a few to have a swoon at…

And this fabulous pic features four Sapphires, can you spot them all? It’s the fourth one that’s tricky.. scroll to the bottom of this blog to find out if you were right :)
Before we really get into it, sorry this blog is overdue, we’ve been so busy, the last blog post was about three weeks ago, since then we have done the Deal of Day which was brilliant fun, those of you who are subscribed to our emails recieved a daily offer in your email inbox and some beautiful pieces were snapped up, it culminated in a weekend long extravaganza, we hope if you ordered something, you absolutely love it!! If you’re not yet subscribed to our emails, click here to get on the list!

That’s it from me this week, check back next week to see what we’ve been up to!
The fourth Sapphire is the Orange one at the end of the index finger :)